Sports Rules Guide
Sports RulesIf you dont know rules, you cant know sports mean. So this app is about to explain the basic rules of various sports in a simple, easy to understand way.Rules that are publicly agreed upon sets of principles, policies, criteria, descriptions and/or conducts governing a sport or physical activity for reasons of safety, sportsmanship, equipment or facility design, and competitiveness.Here is SPORTS RULES APP which will guide you on all the rules and regulations of some of the major Indoor and Outdoor Sports. Some of the Sports Rules for Indoor Games which are included in the App are Chess, Carrom, Table Tennis, Snooker, Cards and outdoor games include Football, Cricket, Hockey, Tennis, and Basket Ball.Quick Guide to the Rules of all the major sportsit is important to know the Rules of the game that you are playingThis app presents coaching guides, rules, quick-start guides and more.AMERICAN FOOTBALL RULESARCHERY RULESARM WRESTLING RULESAUSSIE FOOTBALL RULESBADMINTON RULESBAR BILLIARDS RULESBASEBALL RULESBASKETBALL RULESBEER PONG RULESBILLIARDS RULESBOSSABALL RULESBOWLS RULESBOXING RULESBROOMBALL RULESBULL RIDING RULESCHESS BOXING RULESCRICKET RULESCROQUET RULESCURLING RULESDARTS RULESDODGEBALL RULESFENCING RULESFIELD HOCKEY RULESFOOTBALL RULESGOLF RULESHANDBALL RULESHORSE RACING RULESICE HOCKEY RULESJUDO RULESKABADDI RULESKARATE RULESKICKBALL RULESKICKBOXING RULESKIN-BALL RULESKORFBALL RULESLACROSSE RULESMMA (MIXED MARTIAL ARTS) RULESMUAY THAI RULESNETBALL RULESPADEL RULESPICKLEBALL RULESPLATFORM TENNIS RULESPOLO RULESPOOL RULESQUIDDITCH RULESRACQUETBALL RULESROLLER DERBY RULESROUNDERS RULESRUGBY RULESSEPAK TAKRAW RULESSHUFFLEBOARD RULESSLAMBALL RULESSNOOKER RULESSOFTBALL RULESSQUASH RULESSUMO WRESTLNGI RULETABLE TENNIS (PING PONG) RULESTAEKWONDO RULESTEE-BALL RULESTENNIS RULESTHROWBALL RULESTHUMB WRESTLING RULESTUG OF WAR RULESULTIMATE FRISBEE RULESUNDERWATER HOCKEY RULESVOLLEYBALL RULESWALLYBALL RULESWATER POLO RULESWIFFLE BALL RULESAll Sports Rules Is an Application which consists of all the basic rules which are needed before or during the playing of a game.→ Its an Offline app you can use whenever you want after downloading.→ You can check the rules anytime playing whichever game you want.